Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Push-up with Single-leg Raise

4 out of 5 stars
(10 Comments & Ratings)

Target Body Part:Arms, Butt/Hips, Chest, Shoulders, Full Body/Integrated
Primary Muscles:Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Triceps, Pectorals (pecs), Gluteus Maximus (glutes)
Secondary Muscles:
Rhomboids, Rotator Cuff, Posterior Deltoids (delts), Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors
Equipment Needed:No Equipment

Step 1

Starting Position: Come to a hands and knees position (quadruped) on the mat with your hands directly under your shoulders; fingers facing forward, and knees under your hips. Engage the abdominals and pull the shoulder blades down your back.

Step 2

Reach one leg out and away followed by the other leg, bringing you to plank position. Keep the abdominals/core engaged to brace the torso. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Your feet are together with your toes tucked under and your heels reaching toward the wall behind you

Step 3

Downward Phase: Slowly bend the elbows, lowering your body toward the floor. Keep the torso rigid and the head aligned with your spine. Do not allow your low back or ribcage to sag or your hips to hike upward. Engage your glutes (butt) and quadriceps (thigh) muscles to help maintain stability and a rigid body. Try to lower yourself until your chest or chin touch the mat or floor. Your elbows should remain close to the sides of your body or be allowed to flare outwards slightly.

Step 4

Upward Phase: Straighten the elbows, pressing upward through your arms. Keep the torso rigid and head aligned with your spine. As you straighten the arms, lift your left foot off the floor, keeping the knee straight. Do not allow the hips to rotate as you raise the leg off the floor. Do not allow your low back or ribcage to sag or your hips to hike upward. Continue pressing until the elbows are straight and your left leg is off the floor. Hold this position briefly before returning to your starting position. Repeat the push up alternating legs with each repetition.
Pushing through the heel and outside surface of your palm provides greater force in your press and stability to your shoulders.

For professional guidance in your exercise program,
find an ACE-certified Personal Trainer in your area. Before beginning any fitness program, always see a qualified healthcare provider for advice and to address any questions or concerns. The exercises presented on this website are for suggestion only and should not be substituted for medical diagnosis or treatment. Participate at your own risk and stop if you feel faint or experience shortness of breath.

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